All Specialities
- Anesthesia
- Cancer Treatment
- Cosmetology/Dermatology
- Dental Department
- Emergency Trauma
- Gastroenterology and Hepatology
- Gastrointestinal and Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary (HPB) Surgery
- General Medicine
- General Surgery
- Hematology and Oncology
- Interventional Cardiology
- Interventional Neurology
- Interventional Pulmonology
- Interventional Radiology
- Neonatal/Newborn and Pediatric Surgery
- Nephrology
- Neurosurgery
- Orthopaedic Oncology and Sarcoma
- Orthopedics
- Pathology
- Pediatrics
- Physiotherapy
- Plastic Surgery & Fistula Construction
- Psychiatry
- Vein and Pain Clinic
Center of Excellence
Corporate Support
- Dr. Vandana Goyal
- Dr. Vijay Bansal
- Dr. Ajay Panwar
- Dr. Anubhav Sharma
- Dr. Brig Rahul Trehan (Retd)
- Dr. Dhruv Mahajan
- Dr. Girdhar Gopal
- Dr. Gitesh Singh
- Dr. Hardeep Singh
- Dr. Jasmine Kaur
- Dr. Karnail Singh
- Dr. Kartik Mittal
- Dr. Kartik Mittal
- Dr. Krishan Kudawla
- Dr. Lakshmi Kasam
- Dr. Parveen Godara
- Dr. Prabhnoor Singh
- Dr. Prarthna Sehgal
- Dr. Priyanshu Chaudhary
- Dr. Rajat Gupta
- Dr. Ravi Shankar
- Dr. Resham Singh
- Dr. Sachin Singh
- Dr. Sarita Gupta
- Dr. Shantanu Arya
- Dr. Shweta Chaudhary
- Dr. Sonali Chawla
- Dr. Tejas Sood
- Dr. Upneet Kaur
- Dr. Vaneet Anand
- Dr. Vaneet Anand
- Dr. Varun Singla
- Dt. Shiva Bhanot
Featured Posts
- “Rotary Hospital is a vardan for Ambala”
- Angioplasty and Angiography
- Ayushman Available 24 * 7
- Dr. Jai Dev – “The Driving Force”
- Highly Skilled Doctors
- Interventional Radiology
- NABH (Entry Level) Pre Accredited
- Orthopedics
- Quality medicines at reasonable cost.
- RC Ambala’s cancer hospital gets a Flying Ambassador
- Rotary Hospital Ambala App
- Sneh Sparsh – ‘Free’ Palliative Care Service at Home for Terminally Ill Cancer Patients
- ‘Rotary Ambala cancer hospital gets a ‘Flying Ambassador
- “Rotary Hospital is a vardan for Ambala”
- 350th Laser Ablation performed in the Department of Vascular Interventional Radiology of RACGH
- A successful ERCP of a pregnant female patient was performed
- All Consultants available in COVID-19 Period
- Another feather added to our Pediatrics department
- Ayushman Available 24 * 7
- Brain Stenting was performed on an old lady in the middle of the night
- Brain Stroke Services Available 24×7
- Bringing hope to life, one tiny heartbeat at a time
- Cancer is a deadly disease but not an end for ones life
- Cancer treatment facility in times of COVID-19
- Check-up Camp for Pediatric Thalassemia Patients on Doctors Day
- Childhood Cancers are Curable
- Chronic Migraine is Curable
- Critical Care Team along with the Neuro Physician Cured Young Male Patient
- Critical case of Cancer treated by Hematologist and Oncologist along with his team
- DJMRH Achieves Milestone in Minimally Invasive Gastroenterology & Hepatology
- DJMRH Adds High Flow Nasal Cannula to Enhance Respiratory Care
- DJMRH celebrated International Nursing Day
- Don’t ignore any symptoms, get your cancer diagnosed on time, and become a Survivor might it be a Pediatric or Adult patient
- Dr. Vaneet Anand and Dr. Vandana Goyal spread awareness about cancer at Ambala College of Engineering and Applied Research
- Dr. Vaneet Anand spreading awareness about Thalassemia
- Dr. Vaneet Anand talked about pediatric cancer awareness
- Dr. Vaneet gave a talk about pediatric bone marrow procedure at AIIMS Rishikesh
- Dt. Shiva Bhanot gave a talk on International Women’s Day at Ambala College of Engineering and Applied Research
- Dt. Shiva Bhanot hosted a session at DJMRH to motivate students for a healthy lifestyle
- Endoscopy helped diagnose Cancer in the Esophagus tube
- ERCP prevented the patient from undergoing Open Surgery
- Facility of ‘sleep medicine’ has been opened at RACGH under the department of Neurology for better diagnosis and treatment of sleep-related problems
- First Stapler Surgery for Piles
- First State-of-The-Art Cath-Lab Installed in North of New Delhi for Intervention
- First-ever and successful Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS)-Guided Gastrojejunostomy
- Free Bone and Joint Checkup Camp Organized by DJMRH
- Free Dental Check-up Camp
- From fracture to freedom – a seamless surgical success!
- Happy to share the smiling faces of the patient and her mother
- Healing Beyond Distance, Health Beyond Measure
- Hearing Screening and Distribution of Hearing Aids Camp was organised on March 30-31, 2021
- Helping Hands SRSMT During Covid-19 Lockdown
- Ist Laparoscopic Removal of Spleen
- Ist TIPS (Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt) Liver Stenting in Haryana at Rotary Hospital in Ambala
- Kuddos to our PICU Team and Interventional Radiologist
- Kudos are given to the team efforts: Recovery of young female underdiagnosed with GBS
- Let us all change the thinking from “All Tremors are Seizures” to “All Tremors are not Seizures”- Before and After Treatment
- Life-Saving Intervention: Successful Treatment of Acute Basilar Artery Occlusion at DJMRH
- Life-saving Skills Course Held at Dr. Jai Dev Memorial Rotary Ambala Hospital
- Making waiting time brighter, one smile at one time!
- Medical Store Now Open 24 X 7
- Metal Stenting in the Esophagus is easily performable in old age
- Miracle Baby’s Triumph!
- More than 100 patients were examined in a Free Bone and Joint Check-up Camp by RACGH
- Multi-Speciality team helped the patient go home
- Neonatal/NICU Department at RACGH Discharged a Preterm (32-week sick) baby in stable condition
- Neurosurgery of a 50 years old female
- New building constructed at Rotary Ambala Cancer and General Hospital
- New ICU inaugurated on 21st Feb 2019 by PRIP Mr. Ian Riseley and Rtn Mrs. Juliet Riseley
- New MRI machine for the hospital
- Patient recovered from Brain Stroke
- Patient recovered from Wilms Tumor
- Patient Testimonial – Hip Surgery Success!
- Precision in transfusion, care in every drop
- RACGH celebrated Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
- RACGH celebrated International Childhood Cancer Day
- RACGH is Now Fully Accreditated with NABH
- RACGH marked Ist instance of critical surgery being conducted on a Two-Month-Old child
- RACGH organized a Free Orthopaedic Clinical Examination Camp
- RACGH organized an Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) Training for the medical staff and doctors in collaboration with Fortis Hospital, Mohali
- Redefining Quality Care with Advanced Endoscopy and EUS Procedures
- Remarkable Teamwork at DJMRH Saves Snake Bite Victim
- Rotary Ambala Cancer and General Hospital gets its first set of equipment for the new 24 bed ICU from IRCTC Ltd.
- Rotary Ambala Cancer and General Hospital is now Dr. Jai Dev Memorial Hospital
- Rotary Ambala Cancer and General Hospital starts ‘KARUNA’ fund to help poor cancer and heart patients
- Second Oxygen Plant Installed within 2 weeks
- Small procedures, big results—making a difference in patient care
- Spectrum of neuro/brain stroke interventions performed at Dr. Jai Dev Memorial Rotary Ambala Hospital
- Spreading awareness and the power to heal
- Spreading Smiles, One Child at a Time!
- Started our NICU (Newborn Intensive Care Unit)
- Successful Endoscopic Removal of Ingested Toothbrush at DJMRH by the gastroenterology team
- Team Triumph: A Remarkable Recovery from Guillain-Barré Syndrome at DJMRH
- Teamwork Makes Great Work!!
- The critical care team saved a 49 year old female patient
- The District Governor of the Rotary Club paid a visit at DJMRH
- The first in the Ambala region to perform Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM) procedure
- The Pediatric Hematology & Oncology Department celebrates high spirits of Cancer Warriors & Survivors
- Timely Thrombus Retrieval: Successful Treatment of Basilar Artery Top Syndrome at DJMRH
- We will remember you in our prayers
Palliative Care
Regular Consultants
- Dr. Vandana Goyal
- Dr. Vijay Bansal
- Dr. Ajay Panwar
- Dr. Anubhav Sharma
- Dr. Brig Rahul Trehan (Retd)
- Dr. Gitesh Singh
- Dr. Hardeep Singh
- Dr. Jasmine Kaur
- Dr. Karnail Singh
- Dr. Kartik Mittal
- Dr. Prarthna Sehgal
- Dr. Resham Singh
- Dr. Sachin Singh
- Dr. Shweta Chaudhary
- Dr. Sonali Chawla
- Dr. Tejas Sood
- Dr. Upneet Kaur
- Dr. Vaneet Anand
- Dr. Vaneet Anand
- Dt. Shiva Bhanot
- Anesthesia
- Cancer Treatment
- Cosmetology/Dermatology
- Dental Department
- Emergency Trauma
- Gastroenterology and Hepatology
- Gastrointestinal and Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary (HPB) Surgery
- General Medicine
- General Surgery
- Hematology and Oncology
- Interventional Cardiology
- Interventional Neurology
- Interventional Pulmonology
- Interventional Radiology
- Karuna Scheme
- Neonatal/Newborn and Pediatric Surgery
- Nephrology
- Neurosurgery
- Orthopaedic Oncology and Sarcoma
- Orthopedics
- Pathology
- Pediatrics
- Physiotherapy
- Plastic Surgery & Fistula Construction
- Psychiatry
- Vein and Pain Clinic
Testimonials/Patient Reviews
- 1.1 kg baby was admitted, managed, and is now being discharged after full recovery on day 14 of life
- 35 Weeks old baby recovered from MSL and respiratory distress at birth
- Bringing hope to life, one tiny heartbeat at a time
- Critical patient recovery by The General Physician and his Team
- Critical Patient Recovery from Brain Damage with acute infarcts (stroke)
- Critical Patient Recovery Suffering from Myasthenia Gravis
- ERCP prevented the patient from undergoing Open Surgery
- From fracture to freedom – a seamless surgical success!
- Healing Beyond Distance, Health Beyond Measure
- Miracle Baby’s Triumph!
- Patient Testimonial – Hip Surgery Success!
- Patient Thanking Dr. Vaneet Anand
- Pediatric Patient Recovered from Wilms Tumour
- Successful Endoscopic Removal of Ingested Toothbrush by gastroenterology team
Thoughts from Doctors
- Advanced Machines available in the Physiotherapy Department
- Advanced PFT lab at RACGH: First in the region
- Chronic Migraine is Curable
- First State-of-The-Art Cath-Lab Installed in North of New Delhi for Intervention
- The only hospital that has MRI Tesla 1.5 machine and charges less than a government hospital for scans and 1/4th of private hospital charges