An 85-year-old female came to the emergency department of the Dr. Jai Dev Memorial Rotary Ambala Hospital (DJMRH) in the middle of the night. She was diagnosed with an issue of a brain stroke, and the neurology team was contacted. The team asked the patient to quickly move to the MRI to get a brain MRI done for further treatment. The MRI of the patient showed that she had highly tortuous vascular anatomy and a huge clot burden-left MCA-ICA occlusion. Looking at the MRI, the team contacted Dr. Ajay Panwar, an interventional neurologist and brain stroke specialist, to get it checked by him. The moment Dr. Panwar looked at the report, he asked the team to move the patient to the cath lab, and Dr. Panwar started from his home to conduct the procedure. The patient was quite late in the window period. The usual window period to make the best of the procedure is within 4 hours, and the patient arrives at the point of 10 hours. Due to this, significant infarcts were already established but not the complete territory; we were hoping the angiographic result would transform into some clinical benefit for the patient from whatever brain we could salvage. So far, there is some improvement in the sensorium and no reperfusion bleed.
We hope that the patient recovers well and lives the rest of their life happily!!