The Interventional Neurology and Brain Stroke departments of Dr. Jai Dev Memorial Rotary Ambala Hospital (DJMRH) are glad to share the successful treatment of a 55-year-old male who came with a complaint of an acute basilar artery top syndrome. Basilar top syndromes can result in midbrain infarctions and a persistent comatose (vegetative) condition. Timely thrombus retrievals can be of great value. The patient arrived at DJMRH’s emergency department steadily developing a worsening sensorium and moving towards a comatose stage. Given the condition, the patient was quickly transferred to the neurology Cath Lab, where Dr. Ajay Panwar, an interventional neurologist and brain stroke specialist, and his team performed a basilar artery top thrombus retrieval. After the intervention, the patient was kept under observation and medical management in the neurology Intensive Care Unit (Neuro-ICU). Within some time, the patient regained alertness. The timely thrombus retrieval of the basilar artery top syndromes can be of great value in such interventions.
We, the team at DJMRH, wish the patient a healthy life ahead!