It is hard to believe that there are no healthcare facilities in and around Ambala Cantt that provide Intensive Care other than the 8 bed ICU at Rotary Ambala Cancer and General Hospital! At present the hospital has 2 Operation Theaters, 1 Intensive Care Unit (8 beds) and 1 Cardiac Care Unit (5 beds). The absence of ICU facility in Ambala Cantt and surrounding areas puts an enormous burden on the hospital. The ICU is fully occupied at all times, and new patients have to be referred to other far off hospitals. It is a challenging situation for the patients and also for the hospital staff. To meet this pressing and urgent demand RACGH has constructed new infrastructure that is capable of accommodating a 24 bed Intensive Care Unit and 2 Modular Operation Theaters (the new building also can accommodate in addition to the existing ones, 8 more Doctor Consultation rooms for outpatient care, a full Radiology wing and 16 private rooms). The construction was started in early 2016 and was completed at the beginning of 2018.
Though the building construction is complete, it is waiting to be furnished with new equipment for ICU and Modular OTs. We are actively looking for donors to support us in procuring these sophisticated equipment. You could help us in achieving our goal, your support big or small will go a long way in saving lives.